Category: Education

6 Ways to Pre-Game for a Summer Event

Summers in Colorado are unbeatable. The weather is beautiful, nature is easily accessible in every direction, and there are tons of events stacking the calendar all summer long. Call us partial, but a nice buzz really adds that special touch to a Rocky Mountain high. (See what we did there.) But, listen, burning one down […]

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Chocolate, Cannabis, and Creativity: The Sweet Life of Lauren Gockley

From a young age, Lauren Gockley discovered her passion for culinary arts. This passion eventually led her to become a renowned chocolatier and the co-founder of Coda Signature, a leading cannabis-infused confectionery brand. Her journey is one of dedication, artistry, and innovation as she continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in the […]

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Taste and Texture

What Makes Good Quality Chocolate?

Chocolate lovers know that not all chocolate is created equal. The difference between an average chocolate bar and an exceptional one can be astounding. But what exactly makes high-quality chocolate stand out? Let’s explore the key factors that contribute to the best chocolate experience. Taste and Texture: Love at First Bite The first thing you […]

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Coda Signature Sarsaparilla Blog

What is Sarsaparilla?

It’s a funny word. For some, it conjures up images of parched cowboys at the saloon after a dusty day on the prairie. For others, it harkens back to the neighborhood soda counter where teenagers sipped cherry cola from a striped paper straw. And for some, it’s just a big “huh”? So, let us give […]

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Coda Signature White Chocolate Blog

The Wonder of White Chocolate

Is it chocolate or isn’t it?  The debate has raged for decades. Coda Signature’s Head of Edibles, Lauren Gockley chimes in. Let’s start with the basics Chocolate is made from cocoa beans that grow on cocoa trees.  After they are harvested, the beans are removed from their pods. The beans are then fermented, dried, roasted, cracked […]

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Coda Signature CBD Blog

The ABCs of CBD

With new information coming out every day, it can be hard to keep up with all the developments around CBD. We’ve searched the web for you and pulled together a list of some of the most helpful articles.

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