Month: June 2020

Coda Signature Mango Chile Lime Blog Post Image

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Mangos

Golden yellow, sweet and succulent, mangos are a welcome complement to many flavors.  At Coda Signature, we contrast the juicy flavor of ripe mango with the heat of chile and the acidic bite of lime in our Mango & Chile Lime Fruit Note gummies.  Trust us. They taste as good as they sound. More mangos […]

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Coda Signature Sarsaparilla Blog

What is Sarsaparilla?

It’s a funny word. For some, it conjures up images of parched cowboys at the saloon after a dusty day on the prairie. For others, it harkens back to the neighborhood soda counter where teenagers sipped cherry cola from a striped paper straw. And for some, it’s just a big “huh”? So, let us give […]

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Coda Signature Kiwi & Watermelon Blog

What is it about Kiwi & Watermelon?

Lately, we’ve seen a lot of watermelon and kiwi together. It could be because of their bright colors.  Maybe it’s their refreshing flavors.  Or just the fact that this power couple looks great together.  Regardless of the reason, we’re celebrating this match made in summer heaven with an assortment of recipes that mirror the culinary […]

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