Read these 6 amazing facts you probably didn’t know about chocolate

Many of us have heard the health benefits and mental happiness that chocolate can provide. We know chocolate as a dessert, a drink, a snack, an ingredient, and even an aphrodisiac – but did you know these 6 facts?

1. Chocolate has over 600 flavor compounds.

2. The smell of chocolate increases theta brain waves, which triggers relaxation.

3. Chocolate has an anti-bacterial effect on the mouth and protects against tooth decay.

4. Cacao was once used as currency in Aztec times.

5. Cacao trees can live to be 200 years old, but only make viable beans for 25 of those years.

6. Cacao beans produce a cannabinoid called ‘anandamide’ – binding to the same receptors as THC in your brain, making chocolate and cannabis such a pleasant combination.
