10 Things You Didn’t Know About Mangos

Golden yellow, sweet and succulent, mangos are a welcome complement to many flavors.  At Coda Signature, we contrast the juicy flavor of ripe mango with the heat of chile and the acidic bite of lime in our Mango & Chile Lime Fruit Note gummies.  Trust us. They taste as good as they sound.

  1. More mangos are eaten every day around the world than any other fruit.
  2. The mango is an ancient fruit first grown in India 5000 years ago.
  3. It is believed that Buddha meditated under the cool shade of a mango tree.
  4. There are 500 mango fruit varieties grown across the globe.
  5. They are related to cashews and pistachios.
  6. The oldest Mango tree is 300 years old and still produces fruit. It is located in East Khandesh.
  7. The plural form of Mango is Mangos or Mangoes. You pick.
  8. Giving someone a basket of mangos is considered a gesture of friendship.
  9. A mango tree can grow as tall as 100 feet.
  10. Mangos provide 100% of your daily diet of vitamin C.